What is COCO Buddy?

COCO buddy can be explained as a future step to develop the coconut production in Sri Lanka. It is a project of growing coconut seedlings by grade 1 students in governmental schools’ island wide with the support of AidED Foundation.

As the initial step five schools in Rathnapura region are selected with a total count of 250 grade 1 students. Two certified coconut seedlings are given to the students initially. fertilizer and other assistance in management is also given at the necessary periods of times. The maintenance of plants are done by students and their family members and the yield can be consumed by them or else can be sold to anyone they prefer.

Profile of each student can be seen through website. Students are ought to update photos of plants monthly. Awards are given to three students who successfully maintained the coconut plants at the end of five years.

The students being benefited from the COCO Buddy project

Why it is important?

Sri Lankan coconut production is gradually declining due to a large some of reasons. In the near future Sri Lanka will have the fate of importing coconut from other countries. Therefore, government and general public should pay their attention on increasing the coconut production in Sri Lanka.

Therefore, this project is conducted in order to support the development of coconut production in Sri Lanka while giving a sense of responsibility about the environment and Economy in Sri Lanka to the younger generation.